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File name :DSCN1334.JPG
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Date taken :2002/04/07 21:38:56
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File name :DSCN1321.JPG
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Date taken :2002/04/07 21:15:13
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File name :DSCN1327.JPG
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Date taken :2002/04/07 20:54:35
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Date taken :2002/04/07 21:13:06
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Date taken :2002/04/07 20:56:40
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File name :DSCN1317.JPG
File size :48.2KB(49348Bytes)
Date taken :2002/04/07 20:55:08
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Data: 8 maggio 2002
Ristorante: Trevisani
Località: Bassano
Presenti: Sergio Bellato, Alberto Calsamiglia, Walter Fortuna, Nicola Fortuna, Arrigo Giacomelli, Fabio Giolai, Domenico Morassutti, Miki Muraro, Leonardo Nardini, Gerolamo Pomello, Girolamo Rossi, Ugo Sostero, Stefano Stimamiglio, Giovanni Tretti, Antonio Zaccaria, Paolo Zuffellato.